
The Babel-System (An Implementation of an HPSG for German)

The Babel-System is a system for analyzing written language. It uses an HPSG-grammar. It builds syntactic and semantic structures for input sentences.

The system is implemented in Prolog and runs under HU-Prolog, SICStus-Prolog, SWI-Prolog, and Quintus-Prolog. Babel is also part of the Grammix CD Rom.


Pentium 133 SWI-Prolog  ausgewaehlte Beispiele Zeit = 278,48 sec
Lexikoneintraege: 4784

384 Beispielsaetze

Durchschnittliche Zeit pro Satz: Zeit = 0,72 sec

Maximale Satzlaenge: 15 Woerter

Minimale Satzlaenge: 2 Woerter

Durchschnittliche Satzlaenge: 6,91 Woerter