Deutsche Syntax deklarativ. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar für das Deutsche
Author: Stefan Müller
Subject Areas: German Syntax, HPSG, Implementation
Linguistische Arbeiten, No. 394, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
486 pages, ISBN 3-484-30394-8, 98,- €
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The book describes a large fragment of German in terms of the HPSG paradime. On a broad empirical basis it develops a formally explicit theory with special emphasis on various word-order phenomena: the relatively free position of constituents in the Mittelfeld also considering coherent constructions, positioning in the verbal complex, fronting, and extraposition. The analysis of these phenomena is embedded in a general theory of sentence structure and a discussion of relevant formal mechanisms.
This book is written in German. It is a detailed documentation of the linguistic theory of the Babel-System.
There is a discount for students.
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- PDF (last version edited by me)
- Table of Contents (ps, ps.gz)
- References (ps, ps.gz), updated Version of September 16, 2004 (ps, ps.gz)
- List of all BibTeX entries for cited publications with 1452 entries, updated Version of June 19, 2017 (bib)
- Authors, Word, and Subject Index (ps, ps.gz)
- Quick Questions and Excercises (ps, ps.gz)
- Errata vom March 26, 2012
- Review (Original, HTML) by John Nerbonne (2001) in Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 13(1).
- by Christa Dürscheid (2000), in Germanistik – Internationales Referatenorgan mit bibliographischen Hinweisen, 41(2)
- by Gunde Kurtz (2001), in Info DaF, 2/3.
- Review by Nathan Vaillette (2001) in Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics, 4(1).