
Zur Analyse scheinbarer V3-Sätze

Author: Stefan Müller

Subject Areas: Nontransformational syntax of German, Mutiple Frontings, Constituent Order, HPSG

In Franz-Josef d'Avis (Ed). 2005: Deutsche Syntax: Empirie und Theorie. Symposium Göteborg 13–15 Mai 2004, Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen.

This paper discusses two types of data:

  • Firstly, sentences, with a focus particle + XP before the finite verb, are discussed. Jacobs (1986) und von Bühring/Hartmann (2001) analyzed such sentences as full verbal projections plus attachement of a focus particle.
  • Secondly, I discuss sentences with more than one constituent before the finite verb, in which the the constituent before the finite verb do not stand in any syntactic or semantic relation.

It is shown that the empirical basis for the analysis suggested by Jacobs and Büring/Hardmann is not right and that the possibility that the focus particle and the XP they scope over form a constituent has to be reconsidered. Furthermore, I provide a sketch of the analysis of the second type of data that was mentioned. (For the details of the analysis see Müller 2005) The differences between the suggested analysis and known remnant movement accounts are discussed.

The analysis is part of an implemented fragment of German (Grammar for Chapter 15). This grammar is also part of the Grammix CD Rom.

Draft of September 26, 2005: