
Seminar: Einführung in die Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Mo 10:15-11:45, Raum 3.138, DOR 24
Master Linguistik, Modul 1: Repräsentation sprachlichen Wissens

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This course develops a modell of the German language. The lecture provides an introduction into the following main concepts:

  • representation of valence information and semantic information,
  • grammar rules, and
  • lexical rules.
These devices will be explained by discussing the following phenomena:
  • clause structure,
  • relatively free constituent order,
  • non-local dependencies (fronting in declarative sentences and relative clauses),

The analyses will be coached in the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG).


Slides and handouts

  • Slides (Version of: July 16, 2024)
    • Slides (in pdf format for viewing, 2.5M)
    • Handouts (in pdf format for printing (4up), 8.7M)

Examples of Examinations