7 thoughts on “Liesbeth Augustinus (University of Leuven): A head-supplement analysis of Dutch quotative van

  1. (I am sure that was just me, but just in case anyone else has the same issue: I downloaded the talk and played it with VLC player, and at the points where the different clips were glued together, I actually had to click on the progress bar to get the audio 🙂 for some reason. But it’s all there!)

  2. 1*) Is independent evidence for the “MARKING” feature? Does this play a role in other constructions as well???

    2*) Do you find any sentences in which the matrix verb bears present or future tense in Dutch and English? Such as “He is like” oder “She’ll be like”? Oder is it limited to past context (“I was like”).?

  3. A follow up on my question from today: Setting aside the idiomatic uses and the cases where the other clause (non-quoted clause) is saturated, what do you want the semantics to look like for the other cases (i.e. where the quoting clause has a verb of saying)? My first guess would be that the verb of saying should take the quoted clause as an argument. What constraints do you need to add to the head-supplement construction to create such a link (or analogously for a different representation, if you have something else in mind)?

  4. It is possible I haven’t understood. If the ‘van’ clause is not a complement of the verbs ‘say’/’think’, then what could be the argument structure of these verbs?

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