Ivan (Ivanji)
I was planning to come to see you at the time of the special seminar in your honor. However, due to some family commitments, I will not be able to come. I will make up for it at some time and come and visit you.
I have very fond memories of your being here at Penn, the various discussion we had (and the real linguistics I learned from you), the enormous time you spent with many of my CIS students, straightening them out with respect to their linguistic knowledge, taking time to see what I was doing, and of course, livening up many of the parties at our home in West Philadelphia (including the musical entertainment by you and Jerry Kaplan). Those were truly wonderful days.
I have benefited immensely from your asking me from time to time about how certain constructions are handled in the TAG framework. These questions have helped me and my students very much.
I am very sorry to have to miss the wonderful seminar in your honor and the wonderful parties that will, no doubt, happen.
Susan and I send you our very best wishes. I was going to write this message in Hindi, as I always did. However, since this message will go on the special webpage, I thought that will not make it easy for others to read it, even though the expected readers are all top linguists.
aapka bahot puraanaa dost,