
Thanks Ivan for having introduced me to HPSG at the ’91 ESSLLI summer school and for being an inspiring thesis supervisor. I have always enjoyed our discussions about linguistics and life….

Congrats and Thank you!

Congratulations to the 40th anniversary of Ivan’s spectacular professional life! Congratulations also to the colleagues that organized the wonderful tribute event!

My connection to NLP and Computational Lingusitics started with the project BulTreeBank, where my and my colleagues’ linguistic Bible became HPSG’94 book of Pollard and Sag. (By the way, it still is.)

I would like to thank Ivan for being one of the most prominent driving forces in Linguistics.

I would like to thank him and Dan Flickinger for supporting my 5-month Fulbright stay at Stanford University.

Hm, one idea that I am wondering about is whether Ivan would like to start writing also political books in addition to the linguistic ones (similarly to another prominent guy in Linguistics).