
I can’t remember more sustained linguistic fun than reading drafts of the HPSG book over a couple of years. Thank you for letting me be part of that!


I am sad I didn’t know about this Fest until today… there are no words, really, to express my admiration for Ivan, person and linguist. I just wish I could have spent more time with him when I was at Stanford, or more time since I left. There is still time, and I still feel incredibly fortunate to have met him (and played with him!).

Bruno Estigarribia

Relative linguistic and social acculturation

One of the practical things I learned from Ivan during an ESSLI conference in Prague in 1996 was a simple but accurate measure of relative linguistic and social acculturation. According to the Sag Diagnostic, a traveller’s degree of acculturation is inversely proportional to the rate at which they accumulate coins (particularly those high in mass and low in value).

Jim Blevins