I can’t remember more sustained linguistic fun than reading drafts of the HPSG book over a couple of years. Thank you for letting me be part of that!
Monthly Archives: May 2013
I am sad I didn’t know about this Fest until today… there are no words, really, to express my admiration for Ivan, person and linguist. I just wish I could have spent more time with him when I was at Stanford, or more time since I left. There is still time, and I still feel incredibly fortunate to have met him (and played with him!).
Bruno Estigarribia
Relative linguistic and social acculturation
One of the practical things I learned from Ivan during an ESSLI conference in Prague in 1996 was a simple but accurate measure of relative linguistic and social acculturation. According to the Sag Diagnostic, a traveller’s degree of acculturation is inversely proportional to the rate at which they accumulate coins (particularly those high in mass and low in value).
Jim Blevins
Now on video: The HPSG Man
And here is the video that belongs to Geoffrey Nunberg’s text:
Geoff Nunberg, vocals
Ivan Sag, keyboard
John Beavers, guitar
Steve Wechsler, guitar
Geoffrey Pullum, guitar
Peter Sells, guitar
Dan Jurafsky, drums
Unfortunately the first verse is missing. But on the other hand we have the pictures. (Waiting for the camera that does both simultaneously …)