
Satztypen: Lexikalisch oder/und phrasal?

Author: Stefan Müller

Keywords: sentence mood, construction, lexcion, Minimalism, Cartography, HPSG, topological field

This paper appeared in 2015 in Rita Finkbeiner und Jörg Meibauer (eds): Satztypen und Konstruktionen im Deutschen. Linguistik – Impulse und Tendenzen. De Gruyter, Berlin, New York, Heidelberg, 72–105.

The question whether linguistic knowledge should be described lexically or phrasally was a long runner during the past decades. Many aspects of the respective analyses can be translated into each other, but I believe that all phenomena that interact with valency changing processes should be analyzed lexically. However, if a lexical analysis is assumed the question has to be answered how the analysis of the sentence mood can be integrated.

This paper discusses data that show that entirely surface-oriented phrasal analyses are problematic. I show that the a lexical analysis of the basic structure is possible. However, to account for the fine details regarding sentence mood it is necessary to refer to the concrete syntactic configuration. I show how a hybrid proposal can be formalized in the framework of HPSG.

The paper also contains a discussion of the question whether one should assume empty elements and if so, what kinds of empty elements are compatible with current findings regarding language acquisition and Universal Grammar. Furthermore, the approach is compared to current Rizzi-style proposals in the Minimalist program.

Draft of 14.09.2015: