Stefan Müller » Publications » Multiple Frontings

Mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung/Multiple Frontings in German

Author: Stefan Müller

Subject Areas: Nontransformational syntax of German, HPSG, Mutiple Frontings

Title: Mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung/Multiple Constituents in the Vorfeld

A long version of this article will appear in Linguistischen Berichte.

A short version appeared in Stephan Busemann (Ed). 2002: Konvens 2002, 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache, Proceedings, Saarbrücken, Seiten 115-122. An even shorter version appeared in Gerhard Jäger, Paola Monachesi, Gerald Penn and Shuly Winter (Eds): Proceedings der Formal Grammar 2002, Trento. The data discussion appears in Deutsche Sprache.

In this paper I show that in German multiple constituents can be fronted although German is usually regarded a verb second language. I develop an HPSG analysis that treats the fronted constituents as one unit that is related to a verb in the main sentence.

Konvens Version (8 pages)

Formal Grammar Version (12 pages):