- Author: Stefan Müller (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Status: completed
- License: Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources
- Download: tar file (tgz) Version of September 30, 2014, size: 11K
- System: TRALE (grammar is part of the Grammix CD-ROM)
- Framework: Sign-Based Construction Grammar (SBCG)
- Test suite: Just two sentences, see
- Phenomena/Documentation:
This grammar just covers the two sentences The man laughs. and The man sees the man.. The purpose of this toy grammar is to show that Sign-Based Construction Grammar can be implemented in TRALE, that is, that it is possible to have a MOTHER feature and special types for constructions that are not signs themselves.
I do not find the MOTHER feature useful. Infact I think it makes everything uneccessarily complicated (Müller & Wechsler, 2014), but since Remi van Trijp claimed that it is not obvious how to implement SBCG for computers, I did this littel proof of concept. The details can be found in the chapter on Construction Grammar in Müller (2014, Section
- Müller, Stefan & Steve Wechsler. Two Sides of the Same Slim Boojum: Further Arguments for a Lexical Approach to Argument Structure. Theoretical Linguistics 40(1–2), 187–224.
- Müller, Stefan, to appear 2014. Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Berlin: Language Science Press.