
Depictive Secondary Predicates in German and English

Author: Stefan Müller

Subject Areas: Depictive Secondary Predicates, Constituent Order, Nontransformational syntax of German, HPSG

This paper appeared 2008 in Christoph Schroeder, Gerd Hentschel und Winfried Boeder (Eds): Secondary Predicates in Eastern European Languages and beyond, Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia, No. 16, Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag, pages 255–273.

This paper contains a data discussion, which is an extension of earlier work (Müller, 2002, 2004). The paper contains a sketch of an analysis of depicitve secondary predicates that preserves the merits of my earlier analysis (Müller, 2004), but can be extended to languages like English, in which adjuncts attach to complete verbal projectoins.