
An Analysis of Depictive Secondary Predicates in German without Discontinuous Constituents

Author: Stefan Müller

Subject Areas: Depictive Secondary Predicates, Constituent Order, Nontransformational syntax of German, HPSG

This paper appeared in Stefan Müller (Ed): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Stanford: CSLI Publications, pages 202–222.

In Müller, 2005 I provide evidence that suggests that linearization approaches that analyze German clause structure with discontinuous constituents cannot account for the German clause structure in an insightful way. In order to eliminate the very powerful concept of linearization domains and discontinuous constituents from the grammar, analyses of other phenomena which also rely on discontinuous constituents should therefore be revised.

In this paper, I develop an analysis of German depictive secondary predicates that differs from the one suggested in Müller, 2002 by assuming binary branching structures, verb movement, and continuous constituents instead of a linearization approach. Some shortcomings of previous analyses are pointed out and it is shown how linearization constraints regarding depictive predicate and antecedent can be modeled.

Longer version of November 12, 2013: