Course Material for Languages and Theories in Contrast: Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
This course will be part of the PhD School Languages and Theories in Contrast in Bergen.
Slides & Handouts
- Constituent Order (Version of December 02, 2005, 12:45)
- Case and Passive (Version of December 02, 2005, 12:46)
- Complex Predicates (Version of December 04, 2005, 17:42)
- The HPSG Online Bibliography
- Hubert Haider. 1984. Was zu haben ist und was zu sein hat – Bemerkungen zum Infinitiv, Papiere zur Linguistik, 30(1), pages 23–36.
- Hubert Haider. 1986. Fehlende Argumente: vom Passiv zu kohärenten Infinitiven, Linguistische Berichte, 101, pages 3–33
- Erhard W. Hinrichs and Andreas Kathol and Tsuneko Nakazawa (eds.) (1998). Complex Predicates in Nonderivational Syntax. Volume 30 of Syntax and Semantics. Academic Press, San Diego.
- Erhard Hinrichs and Tsuneko Nakazawa (1993). Aspects of German VP Structure: An HPSG Account. SfS-Report Nr. 01-93. Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen.
- Kiss, Tibor. 1995. Infinite Komplementation. Neue Studien zum deutschen Verbum infinitum. Linguistische Arbeiten 333. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
- Meurers, Detmar and Kordula De Kuthy. 2001. Case Assignment in Partially Fronted Constituents. Christian Rohrer, Antje Rossdeutscher and Hans Kamp (Eds.): Linguistic Form and its Computation. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
- Müller, Stefan. 2002. Complex Predicates: Verbal Complexes, Resultative Constructions, and Particle Verbs in German. Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism, No. 13, Stanford: CSLI Publications.
- Müller, Stefan. 2003. The Morphology of German Particle Verbs: Solving the Bracketing Paradox. Journal of Linguistics 39(2), pages 275–325.
- Müller, Stefan. 2003. Object-To-Subject-Raising and Lexical Rule. An Analysis of the German Passive. In Stefan Müller (Ed): Proceedings of the HPSG-2003 Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Stanford: CSLI Publications, pages 278–297.
- Müller, Stefan. In Preparation. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Eine Einführung
- Müller, Stefan. 2006. Complex Predicates, In Brown, Keith (Ed): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics – 2nd Edition, Elsevier: Oxford, pages. 697–704.
- Przepiórkowski, Adam. 1999. Case Assignment and the Complement-Adjunct Dichotomy: A Non-Configurational Constraint-Based Approach. PhD thesis, Universität Tübingen.
Papers Mentioned During the Course/Discussion
- World Knowledge and Grammar
Müller, Stefan. 2005. Resultative Constructions: Syntax, World Knowledge, and Collocational Restrictions. Review of Hans C. Boas:A Constructional Approach to Resultatives
. Studies in Language 29(3), pages 651–681.
- Phrasal vs. Lexical Approaches to Complex Predicates
Müller, Stefan. Ms. Phrasal or Lexical Constructions? (now also including a section on Miriam's approach).
Other Resources
- The Grammix CD Rom: A bootable CD Rom that contains the Trale system and implementations of grammars that cover the phenomena discussed in the course. In addition it contains German slides and the German text book and the Babel System.
- Grammar fragments: The grammar fragments that are also on the Grammix CD Rom.
- Standalone Version of Trale for Linux: If you run Linux and do not want to use Grammix, you may use this standalone system.
- The Babel System: An implementation of
a German HPSG grammar and a parser. Babel is also
part of the Grammix CD-Rom.
(Danger! The analyses partly differ from those described in the course material. The system implements a linearization analysis.)