
Submit to HPSG Bibliography

You can enter your publication here. Please note that the maintainance of the URLs lies in YOUR responsibility. URLs leading to nowhere will be removed without warning. Please do not submit To Appear items or manuscripts. The experience from the past is that such things stay in the database even if things do not appear. Please wait till you have the full bibliographic details of your publication.

The marked fields obligatory have to be filled in. Please use the BibTeX conventions to fill in the forms. You may use shortcuts. The URL field has to specify the link. No LaTeX specials are allowed here. I suggest that you set up an HTML page at your site that includes an abstract and links to the document in several formats. This enables the reader to choose, gives her a clue what to expect and therefore reduces net traffic.

Your e-mail address and your homepage will appear both in the BibTeX database and in the HTML pages. If you specify both e-mail address and homepage, only the homepage appears in the HTML files.

In order to be able to change your entries you have to have a password. Do NOT use a password you use anywhere else! The password goes visibly through the net.

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