The HPSG Bibliography: O
- Oepen, Stephan. 1993.
- German Nominal Syntax in HPSG. Master's thesis, Free University of Berlin.
- Oepen, Stephan, Bender, Emily M. Bender, Callmeier, Uli, Flickinger, Daniel P., and Siegel, Melanie. 2002.
- Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications. In Carroll, John and Oostdijk, Nelleke and Sutcliffe, Richard, editor(s), Proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar Engineering and Evaluation at the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 15–21. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Oepen, Stephan, Dan Flickinger, Kristina Toutanova, and Christopher D. Manning. 2004.
- LinGO Redwoods. A Rich and Dynamic Treebank for HPSG. Research on Language and Computation 2(4):575–596.
- Oliva, Karel. 1992.
- The Proper Treatment of Word Order in HPSG. In Proceedings of COLING 92. 184–190. Nantes.
- Oliva, Karel. 1994.
- HPSG Lexicon without Lexical Rules. In Proceedings of COLING 94. Kyoto. URL: 01.31.04
- Orgun, Cemil Orhan. 1996.
- Sign-Based Morphology and Phonology. PhD thesis, University of Califonia, Berkeley.
- Osenova, Petya. 2001.
- On Subject-Verb Agreement in Bulgarian (An HPSG-Based Account). In Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages. 661–672. Potsdam.
- Osenova, Petya. 2009.
- The Noun Phrases in Bulgarian. : Eto. in Bulgarian. URL: 04.01.2015
- Osenova, Petya. 2010.
- BUlgarian Resource Grammar – Efficient and Realistic (BURGER). Research Report , LingoLab, CSLI Stanford. URL: 04.01.2015
- Osenova, Petya. 2011.
- Localizing a Core HPSG-Based Grammar for Bulgarian. In Hanna Hedeland and Thomas Schmidt and Kai Wörner, editor(s), Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications: Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. 175–182. Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit/Working Papers in Multilingualism, Folge B/Series B, number 96. Universität Hamburg. URL: 08.11.2012
- Osenova, Petya. 2014.
- Classifier noun phrases of the type N1N2 in Bulgarian. In Olga Spevak, editor(s), Noun Valency. 141–160. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Osenova, Petya and Kiril Simov. 2003.
- Bulgarian Vocative within HPSG framework. In Jong-Bok Kim and Stephen Wechsler, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 233–244. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: 08.19.07
- Osenova, Petya and Kiril Simov. 2007.
- Formal Grammar of Bulgarian. : IPP-BAS. in Bulgarian. URL: 04.01.2015
- Oshima, David Y. 2012.
- On the Semantics of the Japanese Infinitive/Gerund-Clause Constructions: Polysemy and Temporal Constraints. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Chungnam National University Daejeon. 291–308. URL:
- Oshima, David Y. 2015.
- Ellipsis of SAY, THINK, and DO in Japanese subordinate clauses: A constructional analysis. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. 157–176. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL:
- Oshima, David Yoshikazu. 2003.
- Out of Control: A Unified Analysis of Japanese Passive Constructions. In Jong-Bok Kim and Stephen Wechsler, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 245–265. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: 08.19.07
- Otoguro, Ryo and Snijders, Liselotte. 2016.
- Syntactic, semantic and information structures of floating quantifiers. In Arnold, Doug and Butt, Miriam and Crysmann, Berthold and King, Tracy Holloway and Müller, Stefan, editor(s), Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. 478–498. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL: