The HPSG Bibliography: E
- Egg, Markus. 2004.
- Mismatches at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the HPSG-2004 Conference, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. 119–139. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: 08.19.07
- Egg, Markus and Kai Lebeth. 1995.
- Semantic Underspecification and Modifier Attachment Ambiguities. In James Kilbury and Richard Wiese, editor(s), Integrative Ansätze in der Computerlinguistik. 19–24. Düsseldorf.
- Egg, Markus and Katrin Erk. 2002.
- A compositional account of VP-ellipsis. In Frank Van Eynde and Lars Hellan and Dorothee Beermann, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 162–179. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: 08.19.07
- Egg, Markus and Michael Herweg. 1994.
- A type hierarchy for aspectual classification. In Harald Trost, editor(s), KONVENS '94 Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache. 92–101. Springer-Verlag.
- Emerson, Guy and Copestake, Ann. 2015.
- Lacking Integrity: HPSG as a Morphosyntactic Theory. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. 75–95. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL:
- Engdahl, Elisabeth. 2000.
- Scandinavian Passives in HPSG. NORDSEM report 14, Göteborg University. URL: 08.28.04
- Engdahl, Elisabeth and Enric Vallduví. 1994.
- Information packaging and grammar architecture: A constraint-based approach. In Elisabeth Engdahl, editor(s), Integrating information structure into constraint-based and categorial approaches. 39–79. Amsterdam: ILLC. DYANA-2 Report R.1.3.B.
- Engdahl, Elisabeth and Enric Vallduví. 1996.
- Information Packaging in HPSG. In Claire Grover and Enric Vallduví, editor(s), Edinburgh Working Papers in Cognitive Science, Vol. 12: Studies in HPSG. 1–32. Scotland: Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh. URL:
- Engelkamp, Judith, Gregor Erbach, and Hans Uszkoreit. 1992.
- Handling Linear Precedence Constraints by Unification. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the ACL. 201–208. Newark, DE. URL: 01.31.04
- Erbach, Gregor. 1992.
- Head-Driven Lexical Representation of Idioms in HPSG. In Martin Everaert and Erik-Jan van der Linden and André Schenk and Rob Schreuder, editor(s), Proceedings of the International Conference on Idioms. Tilburg, The Netherlands: ITK. URL: 01.31.04
- Erbach, Gregor. 1994.
- Multi-Dimensional Inheritance. In Harald Trost, editor(s), KONVENS '94. 102–111. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Erbach, Gregor. 1998.
- Bottom-Up Earley Deduction for Preference-Driven Natural Language Processing. Saarbrücken Dissertations in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, number 4. Saarbrücken: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Universität des Saarlandes.
- Erbach, Gregor and Brigitte Krenn. 1994.
- Idioms and Support Verb Constructions. In John Nerbonne and Klaus Netter and Carl J. Pollard, editor(s), German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 365–396. CSLI Lecture Notes, number 46. Stanford University: CSLI Publications. URL: 01.31.04
- Ericsson, Stina. 2005.
- Information Enriched Constituents in Dialogue. PhD thesis, The Graduate School of Language Technology, Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University. URL: 30.04.2017
- Erjavec, Toma\vz. 1995.
- Unification, Inheritance, and Paradigms in the Morphology of Natural Languages. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh.
- Eynde, Frank Van. 2023.
- Phrase Structure Grammars. In Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford University Press. URL: doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199772810-0190.