
The HPSG Bibliography: B


Backofen, Rolf, Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Stephen P. Spackman, and Hans Uszkoreit (eds.). 1993.
Report of the EAGLES Workshop on Implemented Formalisms at DFKI, Saarbrücken. Research Report D-93-27, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). March
Backofen, Rolf, Harald Trost, and Hans Uzskoreit. 1991.
Linked Typed Feature Formalisms and Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages in Natural Language Front Ends. DFKI Research Report 91-28, DFKI.
Bader, Thomas. 1995.
The Analysis of Passive and Raising Constructions in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Arc Pair Grammar. Inauguraldissertation, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät der Universität Bern. URL: http://www.isw.unibe.ch/unibe/philhist/isw/content/e4229/e4357/e4536/e5028/e5029/tb_diss_ger.pdf. 25.10.2015
Badia, Toni. 1998.
Prepositions in Catalan. In Sergio Balari and Luca Dini, editor(s), Romance in HPSG. 109–149. Vol 75 of CSLI Lecture Notes, Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Baker, Kathryn L. 1994.
An Extended Account of ``Modal Flip'' and Partial Verb Phrase Fronting in German. Laboratory for Computational Linguistics Report CMU-LCL-94-4, Laboratory for Computational Linguistics, Carnegie Mellon University.
Baker, Kathryn L. 1994.
An Integrated Account of ``Modal Flip'' and Partial Verb Phrase Fronting in German. In Papers from the 30th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago, Illinois: CLS. URL: ftp://ling.ohio-state.edu/pub/HPSG/Workshop.LLI.1994/baker-cls.ps.gz. 06.26.1997
Balari, Sergio. 1991.
Why German is not a Null-Subject Language. CLAUS Report 12, University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken.
Balari, Sergio. 1991.
Information-Based Linguistics and Head-Driven Phrase Structure. In Miguel Filgueiras and Luís Damas and Nelma Moreira and Ana Paula Tomás, editor(s), Natural Language Processing. 55–101. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Balari, Sergio. 1992.
Sujetos nulos en HPSG [Null subjects in HPSG]. In Carlos Martín Vide, editor(s), Proceedings of the VII Congreso de Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales. 279–286. Barcelona: Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias.
Balari, Sergio. 1992.
Feature Structures, Linguistic Information, and Grammatical Theory. PhD thesis, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Balari, Sergio. 1992.
Two types of agreement. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 2:1–43.
Balari, Sergio. 1992.
Agreement and θ-roles: Towards an Account of Null Subjects in HPSG. CLAUS Report 25, University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken.
Balari, Sergio. 1997.
Pronous, Variables and Extraction in HPSG. In Sergio Balari and Luca Dini, editor(s), Romance in HPSG. CSLI Publications.
Balari, Sergio and Luca Dini. 1997.
Romance in HPSG. CSLI Lecture Notes, number 75. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/site/1575860821.html. 08.19.07
Baldwin, Timothy, Bender, Emily M., Flickinger, Daniel P., Kim, Ara, and Oepen, Stephan. 2004.
Road-testing the English Resource Grammar over the British National Corpus. In Proceedings of LREC 2004.
Baldwin, Timothy, John Beavers, Emily M. Bender, Dan Flickinger, Ara Kim and Stephan Oepen. 2005.
Beauty and the Beast: What running a broad-coverage precision grammar over the BNC taught us about the grammar—and the corpus. In Kepser, Stephan and Marga Reis, editor(s), Linguistic Evidence: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Mouton de Gruyter.
Ball, Douglas. 2005.
Tongan Noun Incorporation: Lexical Sharing or Argument Inheritance? In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. 7–27. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/6/. 08.19.07
Ball, Douglas. 2011.
Morphology in the `Wrong' Place: The Curious Case of Coast Tsimshian Connectives. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 25–45. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2011/. 28.10.2011
Ball, Douglas. 2017.
``VP'' Adverbs without a VP: The syntax of adverbs in Tongan. In Müller, Stefan, editor(s), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Kentucky, Lexington. 61–81. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2017/hpsg2017-ball.pdf.
Barg, Petra and Markus Walther. 1998.
Processing Unknown Words in HPSG. In Proceedings of COLING-ACL'98. 91–95. URL: http://www.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/~barg/papers/colacl98.ps.gz. 07.11.10
Bargmann, Sascha and Manfred Sailer. 2018.
The Syntactic Flexibility of Semantically Non-Decomposable Idioms. In Manfred Sailer and Stella Markantonatou, editor(s), Multiword Expressions: Insights from a Multi-Lingual Perspective. 1–29. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Baschung, Karine and Marianne Desmets. 2000.
On the phrasal vs. clausal syntactic status of French infinitives: Causative constructions and subject inversion. Journal of French Language Studies 10:205–228. URL: http://journals.cambridge.org/bin/bladerunner?30REQEVENT=&REQAUTH=0&500000REQSUB=&REQSTR1=S0959269500000223. 20.04.2014
Bateman, John A. 1991.
Language as Constraint and Language as Resource: a Convergence of Metaphors in Systemic-Functional Grammar. . Written version of paper presented at the International Workshop on Constraint-based Formalisms for Natural Language Generation, November 27-30, 1990, Bad Teinach.
Batliner, Anton, Anke Feldhaus, Stefan Geißler, Andreas Kießling, Tibor Kiss, Ralf Kompe, and Elmar Nöth. 1996.
Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories. In Proceedings of the COLING 96, Kopenhagen. URL: http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/cmp-lg/9607004. 03.01.1997
Baxter, David Paul. 1999.
English Goal Infinitives. PhD thesis, University of Illinois.
Beavers, John. 2003.
More Heads and Less Categories: A New Look at Noun Phrase Structure. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the HPSG-2003 Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing. 47–67. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/4/. 08.19.07
Beavers, John. 2005.
Towards A Semantic Analysis of Argument/Oblique Alternations in HPSG. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. 28–48. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/6/. 08.19.07
Beavers, John and Ivan A. Sag. 2004.
Coordinate Ellipsis and Apparent Non-Constituent Coordination. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the HPSG-2004 Conference, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. 48–69. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/5/. 08.19.07
Beavers, John, Elias Ponvert, and Stephen Wechsler. 2008.
Possession of a Controlled Substantive. In Tova Friedman and Satoshi Ito, editor(s), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) XVIII. 108–125. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. URL: http://elanguage.net/journals/index.php/salt/article/view/18.108/1893.
Beerman, Dorothee and Binyam Ephrem. 2007.
The Definite Article and Possessive Markings in Amharic. In Frederick Hoyt, Nikki Seifert, Alexandra Teodorescu and Jessica White, editor(s), Proceedings of the Texas Linguistics Society IX Conference. 21–32. CLSI Publications.
Beermann, Dorothee and Hellan, Lars. 2016.
Switched control and other 'uncontrolled' cases of obligatory control. In Arnold, Doug and Butt, Miriam and Crysmann, Berthold and King, Tracy Holloway and Müller, Stefan, editor(s), Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. 64–82. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2016/headlex2016-beermann-hellan.pdf.
Beermann, Dorothee and Lars Hellan. 2004.
Semantic Decomposition in a Computational HPSG Grammar: A Treatment of Aspect and Context-Dependent Directionals. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the HPSG-2004 Conference, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. 357–377. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/5/. 08.19.07
Beermann, Dorothee, and Lars Hellan. 2006.
Sense and Semantic Disambiguation of Constructions in a Deep Processing Grammar. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006). In Beermann, Dorothee, and Lars Hellan, editor(s), Paris, France: European Language Resources Association 2006.
Beermann, Dorothee, Jon Atle Gulla, Lars Hellan, and Atle Prange. 2004.
Trailfinder: a case study in extracting spatial information using deep language processing. In Ton van der Wouden, Michaela Poss, Hilke Reckman, and Crit Cremers, editor(s), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Selected papers from the fifteenth CLIN meeting, 2004. 121–131. Leiden, Netherlands.
Beermann, Dorothee, Lars Hellan, and Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu. 2008.
Grammatical Feature Sequencing in the Ga Extended Verb Complex: a Semi-Formal Approach. In Dakubu, M.E.K. and K. Osam, editor(s), Studies in the Languages of the Volta Basin. Accra: Ghana University Press.
Belyaev, Oleg. 2016.
Ergative gender agreement in Dargwa ``backward control'' or feature sharing? In Arnold, Doug and Butt, Miriam and Crysmann, Berthold and King, Tracy Holloway and Müller, Stefan, editor(s), Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. 83–103. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2016/headlex2016-belyaev.pdf.
Bender, Emily. 1999.
Constituting Context: Null Objects in English Recipes Revisited. In Jim Alexander and Na-Rae Han and Michelle Minnick Fox, editor(s), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium. 53–68. Vol 6 of University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, URL: http://www.ling.upenn.edu/papers/pwpl/v6.1/bender.ps. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily and Daniel P. Flickinger. 1999.
Peripheral Constructions and Core Phenomena: Agreement in Tag Questions. In Gert Webelhuth and Jean-Pierre Koenig and Andreas Kathol, editor(s), Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation. 199–214. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Bender, Emily and Daniel P. Flickinger. 1999.
Diachronic Evidence for Extended Argument Structure. In Gosse Bouma and Erhard Hinrichs and Gert-Jan M. Kruijff and Richard Oehrle, editor(s), Constraints and Resources in Natural Language Syntax and Semantics. 3–19. Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Bender, Emily M. 2001.
Syntactic Variation and Linguistic Competence: The Case of AAVE Copula Absence. PhD thesis, Stanford University. URL: http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/dissertation/. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M. 2006.
Variation and Formal Theories of Grammar: HPSG. In Brown, Keith, editor(s), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 326–329. Oxford: Elsevier Publishers.
Bender, Emily M. 2007.
Socially Meaningful Syntactic Variation in Sign-Based Grammar. English Language and Linguistics 11(2):347–381. Special Issue on English Dialect Syntax, Adger and Trousdale eds.
Bender, Emily M. 2007.
Combining Research and Pedagogy in the Development of a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource. In King, Tracy H. and Emily M. Bender, editor(s), Proceedings of the GEAF 2007 Workshop. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL: http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/GEAF/2007/papers/geaf07bender.pdf.
Bender, Emily M. 2008.
Evaluating a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource: A Case Study of Wambaya. In Proceedings of ACL08:HLT. Columbus, OH. URL: http://aclweb.org/anthology-new/P/P08/P08-1111.pdf.
Bender, Emily M. 2008.
Grammar Engineering for Linguistic Hypothesis Testing. In Gaylord, Nicholas and Palmer, Alexis and Ponvert, Elias, editor(s), Proceedings of the Texas Linguistics Society X Conference: Computational Linguistics for Less-Studied Languages. 16–36. Stanford: CSLI Publications ONLINE. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/TLS/TLS10-2006/TLS10_Bender.pdf.
Bender, Emily M. 2008.
Radical Non-Configurationality without Shuffle Operators: An Analysis of Wambaya. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 6–24. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/9/. 29.10.2008
Bender, Emily M. 2010.
Reweaving a Grammar for Wambaya: A Case Study in Grammar Engineering for Linguistic Hypothesis Testing. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology 3(3):1–34. URL: http://elanguage.net/journals/index.php/lilt/article/view/662/523. 05.08.11
Bender, Emily M. and Dan Flickinger. 2005.
Rapid Prototyping of Scalable Grammars: Towards Modularity in Extensions to a Language-Independent Core. In Proceedings of IJCNLP-05 (Posters/Demos). Jeju Island, Korea. URL: http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/papers/modules05.pdf. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M. and David Goss-Grubbs. 2008.
Semantic Representations of Syntactically Marked Discourse Status in Crosslinguistic Perspective. In Proceedings of Semantics in Systems for Text Processing (STEP 2008).. College Publications.
Bender, Emily M. and Ivan A. Sag. 2000.
Incorporating Contracted Auxiliaries in English. In Ronnie Cann and Claire Grover and Philip Miller, editor(s), Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG. 17–32. Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism, number 8. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://lingo.stanford.edu/sag/papers/bender_sag.pdf. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M. and Melanie Siegel. 2004.
Implementing the Syntax of Japanese Numeral Classifiers. In Proceedings of IJCNLP-04. URL: http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/papers/BenSie_final.pdf. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M. and Melanie Siegel. 2005.
Implementing the Syntax of Japanese Numeral Classifiers. In Su, Keh-Yih and Kwong, Oi Yee and Tsujii, Jun'ichi and Lee, Jong-Hyeok, editor(s), Natural Language Processing IJCNLP 2004. 626–635. LNAI, number 3248. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. URL: http://www.melaniesiegel.de/publications/syntax-of-numeral-classifiers.pdf. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M., Dan Flickinger, and Stephan Oepen. 2011.
Grammar Engineering and Linguistic Hypothesis Testing: Support for Complexity in Linguistic Analysis. In Emily M. Bender and Jennifer E. Arnold, editor(s), Language from a Cognitive Perspective: Grammar, Usage and Processing. 5–29. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Bender, Emily M., Drellishak, Scott, Fokkens, Antske, Goodman, Michael Wayne, Mills, Daniel P., Poulson, Laurie, and Saleem, Safiyyah. 2010.
Grammar Prototyping and Testing with the LinGO Grammar Matrix Customization System. In Proceedings of the ACL 2010 System Demonstrations. 1–6. Uppsala, Sweden: Association for Computational Linguistics. URL: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P10-4001. 06.03.2016
Bender, Emily M., Drellishak, Scott, Fokkens, Antske, Poulson, Laurie, and Saleem, Safiyyah. 2010.
Grammar Customization. Research on Language and Computation 1–50. DOI: 10.1007/s11168-010-9070-1. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11168-010-9070-1. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M., Flickinger, Daniel P., and Oepen, Stephan. 2002.
The Grammar Matrix: An Open-Source Starter-Kit for the Rapid Development of Cross-Linguistically Consistent Broad-Coverage Precision Grammars. In Carroll, John and Oostdijk, Nelleke and Sutcliffe, Richard, editor(s), Proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar Engineering and Evaluation at the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 8–14. Taipei, Taiwan.
Bender, Emily M., Flickinger, Daniel P., Good, Jeff, and Sag, Ivan A. 2004.
Montage: Leveraging Advances in Grammar Engineering, Linguistic Ontologies, and Mark-up for the Documentation of Underdescribed Languages. In Proceedings of the Workshop on First Steps for Language Documentation of Minority Languages: Computational Linguistic Tools for Morphology, Lexicon and Corpus Compilation, LREC 2004. Lisbon, Portugal.
Bender, Emily M., Ghodke, Sumukh, Baldwin, Timothy, and Dridan, Rebecca. 2012.
From Database to Treebank: On Enhancing Hypertext Grammars with Grammar Engineering and Treebank Search. In Nordhoff, Sebastian, editor(s), Electronic Grammaticography. 179–206. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication, number 4. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. URL: http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/4535. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M., Laurie Poulson, Scott Drellishak, and Chris Evans. 2007.
Validation and Regression Testing for a Cross-linguistic Grammar Resource. In Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing. Prague. URL: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology-new/W/W07/W07-1218.pdf.
Bender, Emily M., Markus Egg, and Michael Tepper. 2005.
Semantic Construction for Nominal Expressions in Cross-linguistic Perspective. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Semantics. URL: http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/papers/ben_egg_tep.pdf. 30.04.2017
Bender, Emily M., Sag, Ivan A., and Wasow, Thomas. 2003.
Instructor's Manual for Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. URL: http://hpsg.stanford.edu/book/.
Bender, Emily M., Schikowski, Robert, and Bickel, Balthasar. 2012.
Deriving a Lexicon for a Precision Grammar from Language Documentation Resources: A Case Study of Chintang. In Proceedings of COLING 2012. 247–262. Mumbai, India: The COLING 2012 Organizing Committee. URL: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C12-1016. 06.03.2016
Bender, Emily M., Wax, David, and Goodman, Michael Wayne. 2012.
From IGT to Precision Grammar: French Verbal Morphology. In LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts 2012. URL: http://elanguage.net/journals/lsameeting/article/view/2877/pdf.
Bertomeu, Núria and Valia Kordoni. 2005.
Integrating Pragmatic Information in Grammar. An Analysis of Intersentential Ellipsis. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon. 49–69. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/6/. 08.19.07
Beutler, René. 2007.
Improving Speech Recognition through Linguistic Knowledge. Diss ETH No. 17039, Swiss Federal Instiute of Technology Zurich.
Beutler, René, Tobias Kaufmann, and Beat Pfister. 2005.
Integrating a Non-Probabilistic Grammar into Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition. In 2005 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding. 104–109.
Beutler, René, Tobias Kaufmann, and Beat Pfister. 2005.
Using Rule-Based Knowledge to Improve LVCSR. In Proceedings of the ICASSP 2005. 829–832. Philadelphia.
Bildhauer, Felix. 2008.
Clitic left dislocation and focus projection in Spanish. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 346–357. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/9/. 29.10.2008
Bildhauer, Felix. 2014.
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. In Carnie, Andrew and Sato, Yosuke and Siddiqi, Dan, editor(s), The Routledge Handbook of Syntax. 526–555. Oxford: Routledge.
Bildhauer, Felix and Philippa Cook. 2010.
German Multiple Fronting and Expected Topic-Hood. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 68–79. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2010/. 28.10.2010
Bird, Steven. 1990.
Constraint-Based Phonology. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Bird, Steven. 1992.
Finite-State Phonology in HPSG. In Proceedings of COLING 92. 74–80. Nantes, France.
Bird, Steven. 1995.
Computational Phonology: A Constraint-Based Approach. Studies in Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Bird, Steven and Ewan Klein. 1993.
Enriching HPSG Phonology. Research Paper EUCCS/RP-56, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh. URL: ftp://ftp.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/pub/CCS/RP/1993/EUCCS-RP-1993-2.ps.gz.
Bird, Steven and Ewan Klein. 1994.
Phonological Analysis in Typed Feature Systems. Computational Linguistics 20(3):455–491. URL: http://www.hcrc.ed.ac.uk/~ewan/Papers/index.shtml. 11.07.10
Bjerre, Anne. 2011.
Topic and focus in local subject extractions in Danish. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 270–288. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2011/. 28.10.2011
Bjerre, Anne. 2012.
An Analysis of Danish Free Relatives. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Chungnam National University Daejeon. 45–63. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2012/bjerre.pdf.
Bjerre, Anne. 2014.
Danish Non-Specific Free Relatives. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 37(1):5–27.
Bjerre, Anne and Tavs Bjerre. 2007.
Hybrid phrases. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Typed Feature Structure Grammars. 39–46. Tartu, Estonia.
Bjerre, Anne and Tavs Bjerre. 2007.
Pseudocoordination in Danish. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 6–24. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/8/. 24.10.2007
Bjerre, Anne and Tavs Bjerre. 2007.
Perfect and Periphrastic Passive Constructions in Danish. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 30(1):5–53.
Bjerre, Anne and Tavs Bjerre. 2008.
There-constructions with transitive verbs. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 46–66. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/9/. 29.10.2008
Blevins, James P. 2003.
Passives and Impersonals. Journal of Linguistics 39(3):473–520. URL: http://www.cus.cam.ac.uk/~jpb39/papers/jl39.pdf. 11.05.06
Blevins, James P. 2011.
Feature-Based Grammar. In Robert Borsley and Kersti Börjars, editor(s), Non-Transformational Syntax. 297–324. Oxford, UK/Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Block, Christie. 1993.
Null Objects in Mandarin Chinese. In Andreas Kathol and Carl J. Pollard, editor(s), Papers in Syntax. 1–25. OSU Working Papers in Linguistics, number 42. Ohio State University: Department of Linguistics.
Blunsom, Phil and Timothy Baldwin. 2006.
Multilingual Deep Lexical Acquisition for HPSGs via Supertagging. In Dan Jurafsky and Eric Gaussier, editor(s), Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. 164–171. Sydney, Australia: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Boas, Hans C. and Ivan A. Sag. 2012.
Sign-based Construction Grammar. CSLI Lecture Notes, number 193. Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Bolc, Leonard. 2005.
Formal Description of Natural Languages: An HPSG Grammar of Polish. In Dieter Hutter and Werner Stephan, editor(s), Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Jörg H. Siekmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. 297–320. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, number 2605. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
Bolc, Leonard, Krzysztof Czuba, Anna Kupść, Malgorzata Marciniak, Agnieszka Mykowiecka, and Adam Przepiórkowski. 1996.
A Survey of Systems for Implementing HPSG Grammars. IPI PAN Research Report 814, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. URL: http://nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/~adamp/Papers/. 09.16.12
Bonami, Olivier. 2002.
A syntax-semantics interface for tense and aspect in French. In Frank Van Eynde and Lars Hellan and Dorothee Beermann, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 31–50. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2/. 08.19.07
Bonami, Olivier and Crysmann, Berthold. 2013.
Morphotactics in an Information-Based Model of Realisational Morphology. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin. 27–47. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2013/bonami-crysmann.pdf.
Bonami, Olivier and Danièle Godard. 2007.
Parentheticals in Underspecified Semantics: The Case of Evaluative Adverbs. Research on Language and Computation 5(4):391–413. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11168-007-9037-z. 30.04.2017
Bonami, Olivier and Danièle Godard. 2007.
Integrating Linguistic Dimensions: The Scope of Adverbs. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 25–45. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/8/. 24.10.2007
Bonami, Olivier and Danièle Godard. 2008.
On the syntax of direct quotation in French. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 358–377. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/9/. 29.10.2008
Bonami, Olivier and Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie. 2006.
Metrical Phonology in HPSG. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 39–59. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/7/. 08.19.07
Bonami, Olivier and Gilles Boyé. 2002.
Suppletion and dependency in inflectional morphology. In Frank Van Eynde and Lars Hellan and Dorothee Beermann, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 51–70. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2/. 08.19.07
Bonami, Olivier and Gilles Boyé. 2006.
Deriving Inflectional Irregularity. In Stefan Müller, editor(s), The Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. 361–380. Stanford: CSLI Publications. URL: http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/7/. 08.19.07
Bonami, Olivier and Pollet Samvelian. 2009.
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