HPSG Gazette – Issue #5 (January 2015) –
Report on thesis defense
HPSG Bibliography – Last entries
Strip of the issue
Dear All,
we wish you a happy new HPSGear!
Don't forget to submit any HPSG-related information (report on HPSG-related talks, work in progress, theses, new HPSG projects and softwares, moves within the HPSG community, etc.) for the next issue of the gazette (to appear in April) to:
Urgent information should be posted on the the HPSG mailing list rather than sent to the Gazette.
Best regards,
Elodie Winckel & Antonio Machicao y Priemer
Report on thesis defense
The Syntax-Semantic Interface in the Chinese ba-Construction - Janna Lipenkova
"The ba-construction is one of the few marked argument realization patterns in Chinese and has attracted wide attention both in descriptive and in theoretical linguistics. The talk focusses on its syntax-semantics interface and considers it from different perspectives on argument structure (traditional semantic roles, decomposition, scalar semantics). The proposed approach will combine a formal semantic analysis of the construction with a HPSG formalization. It captures the productivity constraints on the construction, its semantic contribution as well as its interactions with frequently co-occurring structures."
The thesis was defended on January 15th 2015 at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Main supervisors: Stefan Müller (Freie Universität Berlin) und Walter Bisang (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
HPSG Bibliography: Last entries
Here's the updated bibliography with the submissions since our last issue. Thanks to everybody who contributed to the bibliography!
@inproceedings{Abdelkader:Hamadou:06, address = "cental.fltr.ucl.ac Leuven Belgique", author = "Abdelkader, Abdelkarim, Kais Haddar and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou", booktitle = "proceedings of TALN2006", email = "kais.haddar@fss.rnu.tn", homepage = "http://(none)", month = "APRIL", pages = "379-388", title = "Étude et analyse de la phrase nominale arabe en HPSG", url = "http://www.atala.org/taln_archives/TALN/TALN-2006/taln-2006-poster-001.pdf", year = "2006" } @inproceedings{Boukedi:Haddar:11, address = "Hissar, Bulgaria", author = "Boukedi, Sirine and Kais Haddar", booktitle = "Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2011", email = "kais.haddar@fss.rnu.tn", editor = "Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov", homepage = "http://(none)", month = "September", pages = "686-691", title = "Analyses Tools for Non-head Structures", url = "http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/R11-1099", year = "2011" } @article{Haddar:Romary:12, author = "Haddar, Kais, Héla Fehri and Laurent Romary", email = "kais.haddar@fss.rnu.tn", homepage = "http://(none)", journal = "Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics ", number = "1", pages = "21-46", title = "A prototype for projecting HPSG syntactic lexica towards LMF. ", url = "www.jlcl.org/2012_Heft1/jlcl2012-1-2.pdf", volume = "27", year = "2012" } @article{Haddar:Boukedi:09, author = "Haddar, Kais, Ines Zalila and Sirine Boukedi", email = "kais.haddar@fss.rnu.tn", homepage = "http://(none)", journal = "International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences", month = "January", number = "1", pages = "51-60", title = "A Parser Generation with the LKB for the Arabic Relatives", url = "http://www.ijcis.info/Vol7N1/Vol7P5N1-PP-51-60.pdf", volume = "7", year = "2009" } @book{Luecking:13, address = "Berlin and Boston", author = "Andy L{\"u}cking", note = "Dissertation Univ. Bielefeld", publisher = "De Gruyter", title = "Ikonische {Gesten}. {Grundz{\"u}ge} einer linguistischen {Theorie}", year = "2013" } @proceedings{Mueller:14b, address = "Stanford, CA", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo", editor = "Stefan M{\"u}ller", publisher = "CSLI Publications", title = "Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo", url = "http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2014/", year = "2014" } @inproceedings{Zalila:Haddar:11, address = "Hissar, Bulgaria", author = "Zalila, Ines and Kais Haddar", booktitle = "Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2011", email = "kais.haddar@fss.rnu.tn", editor = "Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nicolas Nicolov", homepage = "http://(none)", month = "September", pages = "574-579", title = "Construction of an HPSG Grammar for the Arabic Relative Sentences", url = "http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/R11-1081", year = "2011" }
Please submit further entries to make the HPSG-Bibliography as complete as possible. Older papers not yet registered are welcome as well.
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