The HPSG Gazette
Welcome to the Webpage of the new HPSG Gazette!
The HPSG Gazette is a trimestrial (January, April, July, October) newsletter whose purpose is to collect, distribute, and archive information related to Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. The HPSG Gazette can only be useful if we get enough information to distribute in the HPSG community. Please send us all information you have about:
- Theses and dissertations
- HPSG projects
- New and old literature related to HPSG (visit also the HPSG Bibliography)
- Reviews
- Software and tools
- Conferences, workshops, summer schools, ...
- Conference reports
- Talks you have delivered or heard
- Jobs
- Moves within HPSG community
- Other kind of information and news related to HPSG and/or to the HPSG community
The new issue of the Gazette will always be announced through the HPSG mailing list. Please feel free to subscribe to the list and do not miss the next issue!
Grüße aus Berlin,
Elodie Winckel & Antonio Machicao y Priemer