
This issue was first published on the no longer existing Gazette webpage of the Freie Universität Berlin.

HPSG Gazette – Issue #3 (July 2014) –


Report on thesis defense
HPSG Bibliography – Last entries
Strip of the issue


Dear All,

The sun comes out and so does our third issue of the HPSG Gazette! You will find in it several information concerning the HPSG community that was gathered between April and July.
The Gazette relies only on your contribution. We would like to reencourage you to let us know about HPSG-related talks you may have delivered yourself or heard about, HPSG publications and theses, new HPSG projects and softwares, moves within the HPSG community, or any other kind of HPSG-related information.
We would be especially interested to hear about work in progress, such as MA and Ph.D projects related to HPSG you may be supervising and the like. Send us an email at:


Remember that any urgent information should be posted on the the HPSG mailing list rather than sent to the Gazette.

If you have any remarks or recommendations, please do not hesitate to share them. The quality of the Gazette depends on your contribution!

Best regards and enjoy the issue!
Elodie Winckel & Antonio Machicao y Priemer


HPSG presence on Facebook: Facebook HPSG page and Facebook HPSG Group

In order to make HPSG even more popular, a Facebook fan page for HPSG has been created. The Facebook page will be regularly updated with HPSG conferences, proceedings, and other HPSG milestones!
Go to Facebook, like the new HPSG page!

In order to connect with other HPSG friends, you can also join the new Facebook HPSG-Group. The HPSG group was arranged to give the HPSG community the possibility to have a platform in Facebook to get to know each other, to share experiences or just to see who is working in (or wants to work in) the HPSG framework.

The difference between the HPSG page and the HPSG group lies in the possibility to communicate with each other.


HPSG 2014

Date: August 27-29 2014
Location: Buffalo, New York
Invited speakers: Ray Jackendoff (Tufts University, Massachusetts), Farrell Ackerman (UC San Diego)

Workshop on Understudied Languages and Syntactic Theory: August 27, 2014

Main Conference: August 28 & 29, 2014

Facebook page of the conference and Facebook event of the conference

We would like to encourage you to send us reviews of the talks you saw there!

Report on thesis defense

From HPSG-based Persian Treebanking to Parsing: Machine Learning for Data Annotation - Masood Ghayoomi

Abstract of Masood Ghayoomi's thesis defense:
"In this talk, we propose using machine learning methods for treebanking from scratch in order to syntactically analyze the Persian language. We first propose a bootstrapping approach to initialize the data annotation process by extracting frequent rules from the sentences. After developing a small data set, we use this data to train a statistical constituency parser. In the next step, we aim at reducing the sparseness of data at the lexical and syntactic construction levels. For the former problem, we propose an unsupervised word clustering approach to provide a more coarse-grained representation of the lexical items. For the latter problem, we propose using active learning to increase the size of the training data by selecting informative samples from the data pool with minimum redundancy. We show how this approach enhances parsing performance with small amount of further annotated."

The thesis was defended on June 27th 2014 in "Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik" at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Rojas

HPSG Bibliography: Last entries

Here's the updated bibliography with the submissions since our last issue. Thanks to everybody who contributed to the bibliography!

@article{Bjerre:14, author = "Anne Bjerre", journal = "Nordic Journal of Linguistics", number = "1", pages = "5--27", title = "Danish Non-Specific Free Relatives", volume = "37", year = "2014" }

Please submit further entries to make the HPSG-Bibliography as complete as possible. Older papers not yet registered are welcome as well.

Strip of the issue

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