Universität Bremen  
  FB 10 IAAS Linguistics CL  
  Events > Deutsch

2nd International Workshop on Constraint-Based Grammar

12.07.–13.07.2005 at the University of Bremen, GW 2, B 2880

Call for Participation

Detailed analyses have been developed in constraint-based theories like HPSG and LFG. Apart from the issue of empirical adequacy, formal issues were raised, among them:
  • the nature of complex predicates and the mechanisms used to formalize them
  • linearization versus movement analyses of various phenomena
  • the nature of functional projections
  • configurational and non-configurational properties of scope determination
  • anaphoric relations within clauses and across clause boundaries
The idea of this workshop is to provide a forum to present and discuss current HPSG proposals exploring such empirical and formal issues. The main focus is on Germanic languages, but submissions discussing other languages are also welcome.

We are especially interested in contributions regarding

  • the empirical base, i.e. systematic collection and representation of data
  • the integration of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic modules
  • issues concerning the implementation of grammar fragments

We explicitly encourage the presentation of work in progress. According to this philosophy the selection of papers is not based on a review process of abstracts but on a first-come-first-served basis.

The workshop is supported by a DFG grant to the scientific network Constraintbasierte Grammatikanalyse: Empirie, Theorie, Implementierung.



18:00- Warm Up in the Waldbühne im Bürgerpark Bremen


10:00-10:30 Nurit Melnik (University of Haifa): From Hand-Written to Computationally Implemented HPSG Theories
10:30-11:00 Manfred Sailer (Universität Göttingen): Don't Believe in Underspecified Semantics. An LRS Account of Neg Raising.
11:15-11:45 Anke Holler (Universität Heidelberg): Detached in Syntax - Attached in Discourse
11:45-12:15 Gert Webelhuth and Martin Walkow (Universität Göttingen): English Inversion: Syntax and Discourse
14:00-14:45 Erhard Hinrichs and Gianina Iordachioaia (Universität Tübingen): Split-Scope Negation in German
14:45-15:30 Tibor Kiss (Ruhr Universität Bochum): Movement Theory of Control vs. Selectional Theory of Control (Invited Talk)
16:00-16:45 Lars Hellan and Dorothee Beermann (NTNU, Trondheim): Semantic Classification of spatial and temporal expressions for Deep Grammar Applications


10:00-11:00 Cogeti-Treffen
11:00-11:30 Frederik Fouvry (Universität des Saarlandes): Describing Exceptions in a Formal Grammar Framework
11:30-12:00 Berthold Crysman (DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken): Ambiguity packing for German
14:00-14:45 Valia Kordoni (Universität des Saarlandes) and Gertjan van Noord (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) and Frederik Fouvry (Universität des Saarlandes): On Passives
14:45-15:15 Frank Richter and Janina Radó (Universität Tübingen): Schinkenbrötchen, roh, vollkorn, 2 Euro 80 - An LRS Analysis
15:30-16:00 Aurelien Giraud (Universität Bremen): A Detailed Treatment Of Suppletion In French Verbal Morphology
16:00-16:45 Stefan Müller (Universität Bremen): Default-Inheritance and Derivational Morphology
17:38-17:53Tram 6 to the main station
18:09-19:14ICE to Hannover (connecting to Saarbrücken, Göttingen, Heidelberg)


The university has special conditions at the following hotels:
  • Hotel Munte am Stadtwald, Single 72,- € / 94,- €, DZ 90,- € / 115,- €
  • Hotel Heldt, Friedhofstr. 41, 28213 Bremen, Fon: (0421) 213051, Single 47,- €, Double 62,- €, Triple, 77,- €

  • Camping Site Single 4,- €, Double 4,- €, Triple 5,- €


You may travel by plane or by train. Both the airport and the main train station are connected to the University with the tram line 6. You have to get off at Universität/Zentralbereich. Please refer to the Campus map to find the building GW 2.

Local Organizer

Stefan Müller, Theoretical Linguistics/CL, Institute for General and Applied Linguistics, FB 10, University of Bremen.
Author: Stefan Müller
last modified: January 28, 2025