Stefan Müller » Erdős number

Erdős number

My Erdős number is 4:
  1. Paul Erdős
  2. Zsolt Tuza
  3. András Kornai
  4. Geoffrey K. Pullum
  5. Stefan Müller (Lessons from the English auxiliary system)
Other ways:
  1. Paul Erdős
  2. Jaroslav Nešetřil
  3. Manuel Bodirsky
  4. Denis Duchier
  5. Hans Uszkoreit
  6. Stefan Müller (An integrated archictecture for shallow and deep processing)
  1. Paul Erdős
  2. Alan J Hoffman
  3. Joseph B. Kruskal
  4. Mark Y. Liberman
  5. Ivan A. Sag
  6. Stefan Müller (Lessons from the English auxiliary system)
Geoff Pullum on Erdős numbers in linguistics

Kai von Fintel's connection via Embick and Chomsky. Other routes to linguistics:

  1. Paul Erdős
  2. Scott Weinstein with the Centering paper
  3. Aravind Joshi
  4. Tatjana Scheffler