Stefan Müller » Publications » Argument Structure: Reply

Two Sides of the Same Slim Boojum: Further Arguments for a Lexical Approach to Argument Structure

Authors: Stefan Müller and Stephen Wechsler

Subject Areas:

This article appeared 2014 in Theoretical Linguistics 40(1–2), 187–224.

This paper is a reply to our respondents (Alishahi, Asudeh & Toivonen, Boas, Goldberg, Kálmán, Kay, Kobele), who replied to our target paper on argument structure. We address arguments regarding rule ordering, coordination, morphology, language acquisition, probabilistic grammars, weighted constraints, and computational complexity of formalisms.

The conclusion of the paper is – as it was in the target article – that phenomena that interact with valence should be treated lexically and not phrasally.