Hauptseminar: Topics in Hindi Grammar Development
Beginn: 18.04.2006
Mo: 13:15–14:45 Raum: II.24.1.83
Participants have to take part in Shravan Vasishth's seminar on Hindi-Urdu Syntax. If you took the grammar development course last semester, that would be a big plus.The number of participants is limited. If you want to take part in the course, please write me.
Official languages of the course
The course will be conducted in a mixture of English and German. That is, I will speak mostly in English, and those who want to speak/write in German are welcome to do so.Description
In this seminar, we will implement a grammar for Hindi in the framework of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.How your performance in the course will be determined
Participants are supposed to contribute to one phenomenon in the grammar and to hand in a subgrammar.Literature
- Müller, Stefan. 2007. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Eine Einführung. Stauffenburg Einführungen Nr. 17, Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.