Abstract: Infinite Komplementation, Tibor Kiss, 1995

This study considers the syntax of German infinitive constructions, with the concepts of control versus raising and coherence being drawn upon as fundamental criteria for the investigation. After an introduction to the phenomena involved and a discussion of the seminal work by Gunnar Bech (1955/57) on this topic, a formal analysis of optional and obligatory coherence, as well as of equi and raising is presented within HPSG. The analysis elaborates and extends the argument inheritance approach developed in Hinrichs/Nakazawa (1990) to distinguish Bech's optionally coherent verbs from the class of obligatory coherent verbs. It is argued that the syntactic properties of equi and raising verbs are best captured by postulating a SUBJ feature (similar to Borsley's SUBJ) but to assume that the value of this feature will never change in syntax. In German, equi and raising verbs differ w.r.t. the selection of the complement's SUBJ value. The approach includes a discussion of passivization and of the scope of nominal and adverbial operators.