Stefan Müller » Teaching » Grammar Development

Grammar Development

25.11.2006, Cogeti-Netzwerktreffen, Seminar für Computerlinguistik, Heidlberg

This tutorial provides an introduction to the grammar development system Trale. The participants are introduced to the core system and to third party software as for instance

  • the chart display
  • a test suite tool ([incr TSDB()])
  • a tool for the display and scope resolution of underspecified semantic structures as for instance in Minimal Recursion Semantics (Utool)

After some general remarks and a brief demo of the system components, participants will be able to work with the system and explore its capabilities interactively. The participants will work on the first exercise sheets of the one semester course on grammar development.

Participants can bring their own Laptop (+CD-Rom drive) and USB-Stick and work with Grammix or use hardware provided in Heidelberg. Since this requires a login for machines in Bremen, it would be nice if those who want to take part in the tutorial and who do not bring their own laptop could write me an email.