07.08.-08.08. at the University of Bremen, GW 2, B 3850
As pdf-File.
19:00- Warm Up in the Haus am Walde (Kuhgraben 2, 28339 Bremen)
10:00-11:00 | Lars Hellan (NTNU, Trondheim): |
The Norwegian LKB HPSG grammar 'NorSource': (i) an overview, (ii) its
treatment of the syntax and semantics of resultative complements. |
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11:00-12:00 | Dorothee Beermann (NTNU, Trondheim): |
Implementing 'formal' and 'lexical' semantics in
the MRS component of an LKB HPSG grammar (subsuming phenomena like aspect and
lexical decomposition), exemplifying from Norwegian. |
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14:00-15:00 | Kordula de Kuthy & Detmar Meurers (Ohio State University): |
The secret life of focus exponents, and what it tells us about fronted verbal projections |
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15:30-16:30 | Tilman Höhle (Universität Tübingen): |
Zu deutschen Infinitkonstruktionen |
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16:30-17:30 | Tibor Kiss (Ruhr Universität Bochum): |
Relative Clauses with Split Antecedents |
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17:45-18:45 | Anke Holler (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg): |
Relative Clauses with Root Properties |
10:00-11:00 | Tavs Bjerre & Anne Neville (University of Southern Denmark): |
Perfect and Passive Constructions in Danish |
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11:00-12:00 | Manfred Sailer (Universität Tübingen): |
Past Tense Marking in Afrikaans |
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14:00-14:45 | Demo Session |
There will be demonstrations of computational implementations of grammars for Norwegian (developed with
the LKB in Trondheim),
German (developed with LKB in
Saarbrücken), and German (developed with TRALE in Bremen). |
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15:15-16:15 | Erhard Hinrichs (Universität Tübingen): |
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16:15-17:15 | Stefan Müller (Universität Bremen): |
V2, Movement, and Empty Elements |
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17:30-18:30 | Berthold Crysman (DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken): |
On the Treatment of Word Order in a Computational Grammar of German |
The university has special conditions at the following hotels:
- Hotel Munte am Stadtwald, Single 72,- EUR / 94,- EUR, DZ 90,- EUR / 115,- EUR
- Hotel Heldt, Friedhofstr. 41, 28213 Bremen, Fon: (0421) 213051, Single 47,- EUR, Double 62,- EUR, Triple, 77,- EUR
- Camping Site Single 4,- EUR, Double 4,- EUR, Triple 5,- EUR
You may travel by plane or by train. Both the airport and the
main train station are connected
to the University with the tram line 6. You have to get off at Universität/Zentralbereich.
Please refer to the Campus map
to find the building GW 2.
Local Organizer
Stefan Müller, Theoretical Linguistics/CL, Institute
for General and Applied Linguistics, FB 10,
University of Bremen.