An HPSG Fragment of Persian
- Author: Stefan Müller (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Status: Work in progress
- Projects: PerGram (DFG/ANR: MU 2822/3-1)
- License: Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources
- Download: The grammar may not be used for military purposes!
tar file (tbz) Version of January 28, 2025, size: 129K
- System: TRALE
- Framework: Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
- Test suite: Persian TS
- Phenomena/Documentation:
To get an idea about the covered phenomena, please have a look at the
test suite.
Some aspects of the grammar are described in journal papers and conference proceedings. The grammar
will be described in full detail in the book Persian in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
- Müller, Stefan, Pollet Samvelian, and Olivier Bonami, In Preparation: Persian in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
- Müller, Stefan, 2010: Persian Complex Predicates and the Limits of Inheritance-Based Analyses. Journal of Linguistics 46(3), pages 601–655.
- Müller, Stefan and Masood Ghayoomi, 2010: PerGram: A TRALE Implementation of an HPSG Fragment of Persian. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Polnish Information Processing Society, pages 461–467.